Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lightning Bugs

A bug that lights
A child’s room at night
Is a gift from God, you see.

During the day
A child frolics and plays
And is busy as he can be.

But nighttime is scary
He’s ever so wary
And afraid when he can’t see

So a bug that can flash
And doesn’t cost cash
Is truly a gift from God you can see.

Written by Suzanne Scarbrough

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Please Don't Sling the Slang!

Are you guilty? I know I am sometimes.

“Aint no such word as aint!” “Can I go to the bathroom?” (I don’t know - can you?) “I got this problem…” You get the picture. It seems to bother me more on some days than it does on others. I am first to admit that my grammar suffers from a lack of applying myself during the formative grammar years…laziness, in other words. However, I am constantly hearing grotesque grammar as I go about my business from day to day.

I pray that as I teach my children, I do it with Christ in the foreground, and with a determination to teach proper grammar so my children will be able to express themselves gracefully. So join with me in this crusade for grammatical correctness and please don't sling the slang!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Grandparents and Blessings!

As I was driving home this afternoon from picking up our children from a sleepover at Grandaddy's and Nana's, I took into account how wonderfully blessed we are.

For the first 9 1/2 years of our marriage we lived away from our parents. We were never any closer than 8 hours travel by car. Some have said this was a good thing. Some have said, you poor kids - no parents to run home to or good meals to eat. Well, both of these things are true. It was a good thing but a sad thing. You see, my husband and I learned how to depend upon one another and most of all, we saw our need for Christ to rule in our hearts and our household. Through this realization, God blessed our household with 3 children throughout the next 10 yrs. He not only blessed our home, but He moved it! Yes, 19 1/2 years after we left our hometown, God placed us in a home 17 1/2 minutes from my parents' driveway and 22 minutes from my husband's parents.

God brought our Blessings to those Grandparents who prayed continuously for their Blessings.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

What is church about anyway?

I have been thinking about this question for years now. What is church about anyway? Before I actually started studying my Bible, it was a place to get my "weekly fill". It was all about church being my sanctuary, which Webster defines as a place of refuge and protection. Webster also defines sanctuary as a place (as a church or a temple) for worship. Well, both definitions are correct, but once you get into Scripture to see what God had in mind about the Church, you'll see it is more than just about the refuge and protection of a place for worship.

Through the years I have heard such things as: “well, they’re doing such and such in My church”; “I can’t believe we’re not doing that in My church”; “I like red carpet and not blue in My church”. It’s taken me awhile to figure this out, but, it is not My church. It is God’s!

Jesus said this about the building of His Church in (Mat 16:18) "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. In Matthew Henry’s Commentary he states that “The church is Christ's peculiar, appropriated to him. The world is God's, and they that dwell therein; but the church is a chosen remnant, that stands in relation to God through Christ as Mediator.”

Church is not about a place, it’s about His chosen people.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Field Trip in the Book of Romans

Today began with thunder and rain.

As we sat around the table eating our lunch, three precious children stating the fact "The sun's starting to come out Mom"! "Do we still get to go to the Ryan's?" "We'll see", I say as I begin to clear the table. Next thing you know, we're loading up in our van to go see our friends. As we pull into the drive, the four young men are as excited to see us as we are them. We pour out of the van and kids go everywhere. After the dust settles, the two moms head into to the house. We now have the babies waking up from the naps. After velcroing the sandals on two of them, they run to catch up with the others. The other baby doesn't need shoes yet as he is too little to run, so he hangs out with the moms. Now for a brief couple of moments, we catch up with one another and begin a wonderful, but brief, study of the Bible. Yes, a field trip to visit with Paul in the book of Romans. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I have a Blog!

Welcome, weary traveler of the blog.

I have great news for you. My blog is short. I have plenty to say, but hate to read long blog entries so, for those of you who enjoy short but sweet blogs. Welcome. This is a Christian Blog dedicated to telling others of Jesus Christ through my life as a wife, mom & daughter.