Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Grandparents and Blessings!

As I was driving home this afternoon from picking up our children from a sleepover at Grandaddy's and Nana's, I took into account how wonderfully blessed we are.

For the first 9 1/2 years of our marriage we lived away from our parents. We were never any closer than 8 hours travel by car. Some have said this was a good thing. Some have said, you poor kids - no parents to run home to or good meals to eat. Well, both of these things are true. It was a good thing but a sad thing. You see, my husband and I learned how to depend upon one another and most of all, we saw our need for Christ to rule in our hearts and our household. Through this realization, God blessed our household with 3 children throughout the next 10 yrs. He not only blessed our home, but He moved it! Yes, 19 1/2 years after we left our hometown, God placed us in a home 17 1/2 minutes from my parents' driveway and 22 minutes from my husband's parents.

God brought our Blessings to those Grandparents who prayed continuously for their Blessings.

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